Step 1: Know WHO makes the decision

Figure out WHO develops the budget and WHO makes the final decision?
A: Elected Mayor Wheeler proposes the first draft of the budget
A: Elected Portland city commissioners vote to adopt the final budget 

Step 2: Know WHEN the final decision will be made

Educate yourself about the budget process, including important dates and when the final decision to adopt the budget will be made. 
A: Portland’s elected mayor proposes a budget, the public can comment, commissioners approve the budget, and final changes can be made before the final vote to adopt the budget on June 17th


Step 3: Do your OWN research

Read the police budget to know what they are asking for

Always listen to communities who are MOST impacted by police actions and elevate their stories. If you are not black, listen to black voices. 

Think about where you stand and NEVER take a position that asks for less than what impacted communities say they need. 

Step 4: Write down YOUR position 

Reflect on your personal position and write it down. 

(That could range from Defund the entire police budget to Defund [x,y,z] in the police budget)

See demands from Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty for some ideas:

Again, NEVER take a position that asks for less than what impacted communities say they need. 

Step 5: Email decisionmakers

Portland Mayor and City Commissioners 

Ted Wheeler:
Jo Ann Hardesty: 
Chloe Eudaly: 
Amanda Fritz:

Email Template

1.) Explain the problem from your own experience (use “I” language)
Ex: I think its unacceptable that police are killing black people. 

2) Propose a solution with your position 
Ex: Stop funding police who are killing black people. We can start by banning tear gas and defunding programs like [insert all of the police programs you hate] in the city budget. 

3) Call to Action (what do you want them to do)
Ex1: Please vote to support Commissioner Hardesty’s budget amendments to defund programs that disproportionately target black people 
Ex2: Please vote to defund the entire police budget. 

Step 6: Watch their decision

Watch the public hearing livestream at on June 10th and June 17th 

Track how each elected commissioner votes and try to understand why.
If you agree with their decision- Thank them by VOTING on Nov. 3rd.
If you don’t agree with their decision- Take their job by VOTING on Nov 3rd.

Step 7: Don’t stop advocating for racial justice 

If they pass what you asked for, keep advocating for change.
If they don’t pass what you’re asking for, keep advocating for change.

Either way, please keep doing the work. Educate and empower yourself to be in this for the long term.